Our Journey

Loop over the years.


SUmmer 2017


In 2017, Sarah traveled to Indonesia to receive feedback on an early prototype and speak with wheelchair users before designing Loop. 

Working with UCPRUK in Yogyakarta and Puspadi in Bali, she generated a set of user requirements for Loop.


summer 2018


In 2018, Shannon and Sarah traveled to Indonesia to receive feedback on our most recent prototype of Loop.

Working with Puspadi Bali, Access Life Bali, and Access Life Lombok, we were able to speak with 37 wheelchair users, receiving feedback that will help us to improve the design of Loop.


summer 2019


In 2019, Danielle travelled to Indonesia to conduct a pilot test of the Loop cushion.

Partnering with Access Life Bali, we conducted a one-week pilot test of the cushions to gather more in-depth feedback about the cushion design and assembly process.

